Monday, December 01, 2008

While Rome burns...

why can I never remember my password to log into this damn thing? between facebook, gmail, hotmail, banking, this one is the one that always stumps me...

having a fine ol' time being Dean Martin bemusedly taking in my final observations of this place. went to a grand improv show at the sunday service that was their anniversary show, celebrated in grand fashion by the waitress stumbling a drink down Deb's back. Free vodka shots abounded!

The folks at Sunday Service have become friends I'm going to miss, Taz and I are doing a corporate improv show Tuesday evening, which along with a recent commercial and some Murder Mysterys has become my main source of income to keep me going till I give this part of the world the old 'Exit...Stage Left.'

...not that I've become a gay cartoon character, despite rumors and some facebook profile pics to the contrary.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Glad to have done my part to contribute to your fine evening.
It was a little chilly though....