Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tearing Apart Again...

27 days left of Vancouver. Today is a shitty, rainy day, as opposed to yesterday's Sunshine. Not wanting to waste a single moment left.

The letting of goods has begun, yesterday someone bought my table and desk, leaving a big hole in my place and some fancy re-arrangin' to set up the computer...I didn't think they would go that quick, now someone's interested in my dishes, so I'm thinking twice about what I'll actually need to get through the month. Probably set aside what I'm giving to friends and use those to the end, and sell the rest.

Fuck, it's kinda depressing to be thinking about this as 'the end.' Yes, it's an end, but also a beginning (again) back in Toronto, and in the bigger picture, neither the end, nor a beginning, but just another stage of the journey, man. Sorry to get all hippie on you, there.

My pal Marty was telling me of his current focus on enjoying every moment and trying not to think of either future pleasures or anxiet(ie?)s, which seems to be a good way to be right now...cuz after all, what does it matter? We all know that Obama is the Antichrist who is going to bring about the Rapture in 2012, and unless you're an Evangelical on vacation in the Holy Land, you're pretty much screwed.

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